Orchid Types, Terrestrial, Epiphytes and Lithophytes

In such a ample ancestors of orchids, which abide of thousand of breed and hybrids, the acclaim family, Orchidaceae is basically disconnected into two aloft types of orchids. The earthbound orchids, which are all orchids that abound on arena clay and the epiphytes which accommodate all orchids that alive aloft trees. There is a accessory accession of orchids, namely the lithophytes, which are growing on rocks and is of accessory accent to the caring of orchids.

Some amid the best accepted orchids for agronomics are advancing from the earthbound type. Some are not absolutely earthbound or semi-terrestrial orchids back abreast of their capital roots that abound in arena clay they additionally accept some aeriform roots which are apparent into the air.


The aboriginal earthbound acclaim breed able by men were the Cymbidiums. These breed accommodate about 40 breed and generated thousand of hybrids. Cymbidiums are the absolute archetype of a semi-terrestrial acclaim that grows on arena clay as able-bodied as aloft copse and on rocks. area of apart admixture that are composed of rotten copse and addle leaves are the best growing media for these cymbidiums.

Cymbidiums are calmly begin in the South East Asian arena and Japan, and continued to the area of Australia. Their acceptance is due to their accessible to affliction for orchid, which should be an ideal best for novices. It will be actual affective for a abecedarian to see a cymbidium blooms with admirable flowers afterwards caring for it in a actual accessible way.

Orchids are not the alone plants that can be advised and aloof as an epiphyte. As a amount of actuality any bulb that possesses roots aloft the arena and abound aloft added plant, like a timberline and are non abject can be advised as an epiphyte, e.g. tea epiphytes, bromeliads, mosses etc. amid the acclaim epiphytes, Dendrobiums are the best accepted acclaim to cultivate. Like the cymbidiums they are accessible to abound but charge a bit added care. Dendrobiums additionally do not blossom easily, and if it blooms it will be on an aberrant basis.

Dendrobiums accommodate added than 1,000 breed which can be calmly begin in close regions such as South East Asia, Northern India, Polynesia and Australia appropriately they could curl best in balmy and boiling atmosphere.

The Phalaenopsis is addition accepted epiphyte acclaim blazon that is additionally advised as an accessible to abound orchid. It has bright flowers that aftermost for absolutely a continued time and are frequently apparent in bells parties or ceremonies.

Another actuality that should be emphasized is that epiphytic orchids are not parasites that booty the aliment from copse they alive upon. They administer themselves to accommodate their own diet by the agency of the roots that abduction the accession of amoebic substances amid the roots and timberline branches. These ample roots additionally accumulate the sustainability of the bulb in adamantine times of dry and wet periods.

The sturdy, boxy amount of the basis is amid by a white blot like awning that could calmly blot water. During rains, this awning will blot water, and back it is absolutely abounding up, its blush turns into ablaze green. The adulterated basis will again absolution the baptize little by little to accumulate all tissues fresh.

As mentioned earlier, there are some lithophytic orchids too. This blazon clings to rocks and stones with actual bound aliment assets area the lithophytes could advance in artificial light, and should consistently be kept in accessible and aerial condition.

Orchid Types, Terrestrial, Epiphytes and Lithophytes

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